Console Commands
There are several console commands that you may execute for administrative or troubleshooting reasons. You will need to SSH into the instance using the security credentials provided during instance launch. The SSH user is ec2-user
. All commands should be executed using sudo
sudo yum install mysql-server
- To install a local MySQL serversudo yum remove mysql-server
- To uninstall the local MySQL server from the instancesudo /sbin/shutdown
- To shutdown the instancesudo apachectl
- To start/stop/restart Apache Webserversudo service mysqld start
- To start the MySQL serversudo service mysqld stop
- To stop the MySQL serversudo service mysqld restart
- To restart the MySQL serversudo /sbin/chkconfig
- See the man pages for chkconfigsudo /usr/bin/mysql_secure_installation
- To run the post-install MySQL script that aids in securing the serversudo /usr/sbin/reset-admin-credentials
- To reset the super admin username and passwordsudo /usr/sbin/reset-database
- To reset the database configurationsudo /usr/sbin/migrate-database
- To update the database schema to match the ElasticSSO software version