You may encounter some errors during the installation and configuration of ActiveShareFS. If you have purchased ActiveShareFS, you can also contact for additional support.

You may need to enable debug mode by modifying the <asfs> configuration section in the web.config of the ASFS-enabled webapp. This is found at /configuration/asfs/logger[@level]. Change the level to level="ALL".

  • User authenticated successfully at the Identity Provider but either no conditions were matched or the username resolved empty.

    This means the username mapping resolved to an empty value. Check to ensure that the identity provider is releasing an attribute that can be used as the SharePoint account name. Check that the Shibboleth SP attribute-map.xml is configured for this attribute. Check asfs.xml <serverVariable> to see if it has correctly been configured to map that to a local name. This could also happen if none of the account rules in asfs.xml are being executed. You should always have a “catch-all” type of account rule that runs if no other rules matched.

  • An error has occurred. Please contact the administrator:

    See the asfs.log file located under <ASFS_HOME>/logs for detailed information.

  • I am noticing a redirect loop while using a mobile device.

    ActiveShareFS does not currently support mobile views for SharePoint. You will need to disable it for the site by adding the following to the web.config’s configuration/system.web

        <result type="System.Web.Mobile.MobileCapabilities, System.Web.Mobile, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a"/>