Configuration Section Reference (web.config)
Here is a full copy of an example <asfs>
section for the web.config of the ASFS-enabled webapp.
<loginUrl value="/Shibboleth.sso/Login"/>
<adminEmail value="" />
file="C:/Program Files (x86)/9Star Research/ActiveShareFSFNX/etc/asfs.xml"
xsdFile="C:/Program Files (x86)/9Star Research/ActiveShareFSFNX/etc/asfs.xsd"
<sessionIdentifier value="HTTP_SHIBSESSIONID" />
file="C:/Program Files (x86)/9Star Research/ActiveShareFSFNX/logs/asfs.log"
<membershipProvider name="smp" />
<roleProvider name="srp" />
<pageTitle value="Welcome to ActiveShareFS 2010 Single Sign-On" />
<![CDATA[ActiveShareFS 2010]]>
<submitButton value="Continue" />
asfs/loginUrl[@value]: This is the Shibboleth SP path that triggers session initiation.
asfs/logoutUrl[@value]: This is the Shibboleth SP logout path.
asfs/logoutUrl[@logoutPage]: This is the location of the ASFS logout page.
asfs/adminEmail[@value]: This email address will show to users in error pages.
asfs/rulesConfiguration[@file]: This is the full path of the asfs.xml configuration file.
asfs/rulesConfiguration[@xsdFile]: This is the full path of the schema file used to validate the configuration XML file.
asfs/rulesConfiguration[@updateOnChanges]: Set this to true if you want ASFS to reload itself on configuration changes.
asfs/rulesConfiguration[@ssoPath]: This should be set to the value used to indicate a Shibboleth SP path.
asfs/sessionIdentifier[@value]: This is the server variable name of the value that contains the Shibboleth session ID.
asfs/logger[@file]: This is the full path of the log file that ASFS will write to.
asfs/logger[@level]: This is the log level. It can be “ALL”, “DEBUG”, “INFO”, WARN”, “ERROR”, “FATAL”, or “OFF”.
asfs/logger[@fileSize]: This specifies the max size of the log file.
asfs/logger[@maxSizeRollBackups]: This specifies how many log files to keep.
asfs/membershipProvider[@name]: This is the name of the membership provider used for this webapp.
asfs/roleProvider[@name]: This is the name of the role provider used for this webapp.
asfs/intermediatePage[@enabled]: This specifies whether or not to display the intermediate page before the user accesses the webapp.
asfs/intermediatePage[@customMessageEnabled]: This specifies whether or not to use a custom message in the intermediate page.
asfs/intermediatePage[@termsOfServiceEnabled]: This specifies whether or not to display a terms of service message in the intermediate page.