Note: The terms ‘Username’ and ‘Password’ are generic terms used in the documentation. These names may be different depending on how the Elastic SSO application is configured. ‘Username’ and ‘Password’ will be used here since that is the default initial setting for those terms.

Various settings of the user account may be updated by clicking on the appropriate button in the Operations sidebar.

  • Update Password
  • Update Email Address
  • Update Profile
  • Update Preferences

Update Password

  • Current Password
    As as security precaution, the current password for a user account is required in order to change to a new password.

  • New Password
    The format of the password (minimum/maximum length, allowed/required characters, etc.) is governed by the Password Policy that has been defined.

  • Repeat New Password
    This field is a verification check to ensure that the password is entered correctly before it is saved. The value entered here must match the value entered in the New Password field.

Update Email Address

In order to update the email address for a user account, an email change request is created and a confirmation email is sent to the new email address. The confirmation email contains a link which the user must visit in order to confirm the change. The email address will not be changed on the user account until this confirmation has been completed.

  • Email
    The new email address for the user account. This must be unique across all users. The length of this field is limited to 128 characters.

  • Repeat email
    This field is a verification check to ensure that the email address is entered correctly before it is saved. The value entered here must match the value entered in the Email field.

Update Profile

The Update Profile form will display the current settings associated with the user account. At a minimum this will consist of the basic user information of First name and Last name. Additional attributes may have been defined by a System Administrator. If so, these will also be displayed and are available to be updated.

Update Preferences

  • Enable single logout
    Select this option to enable single logout service (for logging out of all service providers simultaneously).